What's the difference between the Live Bundle, Rehearse Bundle, and MultiTracks One?
The Live Bundle includes the tools needed to plan and run setlists with confidence in the Playback app, while the Rehearse bundle resources your team with content and tools to both prepare ahead of time and be on the same page during rehearsals and services. The MultiTracks One bundle includes everything in the Live and Rehearse Bundles, and pairs it with the content and licensing needs. It's the full MultiTracks.com suite of products, in one subscription price.
What happened to Cloud Pro Plus and Premium?
All the features and savings of the Cloud Pro Plus subscription are now available as the Live Bundle, and the Cloud Pro Premium subscription has been discontinued.
Does the Live Bundle include all the tracks I need in Playback?
No. The Live bundle includes all of the tools and features to plan and run Playback setlists with confidence. Content needs to be purchased, rented, or uploaded separately. Optionally, upgrade from the Live bundle to the MultiTracks One bundle to get the best value and also have access to rentals in Playback.
What does the Live Bundle include?
The Live Bundle includes: Playback Premium, everything in Cloud Pro, Song Specific Ambient Pads, Playback Named Arrangements, additional Playback Team Sharing Seats, additional cloud storage, ProPresenter MIDI cues, and MainStage/Ableton Song Specific Patch MIDI Cues.