We Are Messengers - "This Is Jesus" Thursday, November 14, 2019 CATEGORIES: News, Home Page, New Releases Just in time for the holiday season, We Are Messengers have re-released a new Christmas EP, God With Us, featuring a brand new recording "This Is Jesus." Set to the melody of well-known hymn "Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing," new song "This Is Jesus" shines a poignant light on the Savior's birth with original lyrics penned by We Are Messengers and acclaimed songwriter Tony Wood. "God sent His Son to be born in a stable to the virgin Mary and to take on human flesh and live the most incredible, holy, wonderful life, and then to die. It's almost too hard to fathom, but this is Jesus. He is the King of Glory, here to rescue us.," front man Darren Mulligan shares, reflecting on the message of the song. "At Christmas, we remember THE defining moment for all humanity, when God took on flesh to redeem a world lost in its own sin. God did not abandon us, but in His kindness and mercy came to reconcile everything to Himself. Our Christmas EP celebrates Jesus being 'God with us,'" We Are Messengers front man Darren Mulligan says of the seasonal release. "It is because of His birth, perfect life, death and resurrection that everything has and is being made new. Rejoice, God is with us!"