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Hillsong Worship MultiTracks for "No Other Name" Now Available!

CATEGORIES: News, Home Page, New Releases
There is an electric atmosphere of expectancy and worship here at the Allphones Arena in Sydney, Australia today as we’re celebrating the release of No Other Name, this week with Hillsong Worship at the 2014 Hillsong Conference. There is no question that Hillsong is a well-known name amongst many worship leaders in churches around the globe as they have done an amazing job helping to lead, shape, and fuel creativity throughout the Church.  At the same time, the title of the album is a refreshing and humble reminder to all who are here this week to remember why we gather and who it is that we worship...His name is Jesus. We’re honored to partner with our friends at Hillsong Worship to share these resources with you to help you lead these songs well in your church. "Our collective mandate, calling, and great honour as His Church on the earth is to carry this grand message to the cities and nations we inhabit. There is NO OTHER NAME whereby men and women find their salvation, sense of purpose, and eternal homecoming," they express. "More than just songs, our prayer is that the album would give voice to individuals and churches across the earth, unifying them in a declaration of worship that is lifted to and for no other name but Jesus." - Hillsong Worship The album opens the with a firm declaration of faith as "This I Believe” echoes the Apostles' Creed, "I believe in God our Father,  I believe in Christ the Son.  I believe in the Holy Spirit,  Our God is three in one."  One of Hillsong's writers, Ben Fielding, explained the basis for the song, "The Apostles' Creed has brought the belief of the Church and its confession together for centuries." That is the intent of the song: to help bring people back to the core of their beliefs. "Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)" takes the words to the classic hymn, speaking of Jesus taking our brokenness and restoring us to life through His sacrifice. The overall tone of the song is meditative, the message expressive and powerful. You may remember an acoustic version of "Calvary," which was released as an Easter single earlier this year, which is on the album with full tracks and instrumentation. The song starts soft, building into a gorgeous anthem, as it rejoices, "Calvary covers it all. My sin and shame, don't count anymore. All praise to the One who has ransomed my soul. Calvary covers it all." The title track, "No Other Name," sums up the album and it’s aptly the theme here at Hillsong this week, declaring the greatness of the name of Jesus. According to Hillsong, the song "captures Hillsong Church’s current season of building on the foundations of the past three decades and 'pioneering again’, whilst continuing to lift up the One it all began with, Jesus." *Original Master MultiTracks for the full album are still being added to the catalog and will be made available throughout the week. Hillsong Worship - No Other Name
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