New Album from Planetshakers - Rain Wednesday, September 4, 2019 CATEGORIES: News, Home Page, New Releases Praise band Planetshakers released their new 15-track album Rain from Venture3Media (V3M). Recorded during the annual Planetshakers Conference that packed Melbourne Arena in Melbourne, Australia this past April and at its regional conferences attended by tens-of-thousands in the Philippines and Malaysia, as well as at Planetshakers Church, the new album features worship leaders Joth Hunt (who also produced and mixed the album), Sam Evans, Aimee Evans, BJ Pridham, Joshua Brown, Rudy Nikkerud, Chelsi Nikkerud and more. “2019 will mark the 22nd year that Planetshakers Conference has been lifting up the name of Jesus to a generation,” says Planetshakers Church Sr. Pastors Russell and Sam Evans. “We feel that just as rain is formed naturally by the sun’s heat evaporating water, that our prayers, praise and worship have been reaching Heaven all this time.” Sam continues, “God does not want us to be dry, but rather desires us to be filled and flooded with His power and life so we can fulfill the plan He has for our lives. This is an invitation to dive into the river of God and let the rain of Heaven refresh your soul.” The album also includes all the songs from Rain Part 1, Rain Part 2 and Rain Part 3, as well as the never-before-released “I Lift Your Name Up (80’s Remix)” and “Fall On Me (Heavy Remix).” Rain - Planetshakers Only Way My Reason Fall On Me Rain Your Glory Down God Is On The Throne Right Now I Choose You I Lift Your Name Up All Around Take Your Place Fire Fall Anything Can Happen Fall On Me (Heavy) God Is On The Thone (Studio) I Lift Your Name Up (80's Remix)