Bethel Music's new live album, Have It All, is set to release worldwide on March 11. Recently, we added the MultiTracks for the album's title track, "Have It All" and are now excited to bring you the MultiTracks for more songs from this upcoming release, "Faithful to the End" and "Be Enthroned." These three songs are all available for immediate download when you pre-order the album on iTunes.
"Faithful to the End" emphasizes God's faithfulness and recognizes how He lovingly created us and has always remained by our side. Testifying of His great love, it worships with a heart of gratitude, "I will sing of all You've done. I'll remember how far You've carried me. From beginning until the end, You are faithful, faithful to the end." Led by Jeremy Riddle, "Be Enthroned" passionately exalts the Savior, praising Him for His mercy and declaring His worthiness. The chorus worships, "Be enthroned upon the praises of a thousand generations. You are worthy, Lord of all. Unto You the slain and risen King, we lift our our voice with heaven singing worthy, Lord of all." These new songs will certainly make strong additions to any worship setlist.
Have It All - Bethel Music