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CATEGORIES: News, Home Page

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Why were these the songs you wanted to release to the church first?

We are a christian ministry who knows God's heart for the church. We know Jesus is coming back for a pure bride, his church - one that knows the love of the Lord and deeply loves him as well. These songs are meant to resource His bride to put language to the move of God they are seeing and want to see  leading us to repentance and speaking to the power of God's name, likeness and goodness!

What are some tangible signs of the move of god we've seen on campus? What are the intangible signs?

Some tangible signs of the move of God we've seen on campus has been a hunger for God's presence like never before - seeing alter calls last hours, seeing more students in small groups then we've ever seen in the last few years and seeing more of a response to the word of God. Some intangible signs of a move of God on campus have been the kind of unification we have seen between our student body. The collaboration of cultures and backgrounds unifying in so many different ways. 

Do you all think the movement happening at SEU is related to the one you're seeing in the global church?

It's so like God to not be exclusive with how he moves - while the movement we are seeing at SEU is special and hitting hearts individually, we know that it is a part of the global movement that God is stirring within his bride. Our God is one of unification, who loves his bride. 

You all also reference Matthew 5:8 when speaking about Move of God which says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." How do you all proactively follow this commandment individually and as a team? 

We know that holiness is not an arrival, but a constant pursuit. It's the pure in heart that sees God, and since he is our daily bread we have to pursue holiness daily. That looks like pursuing repentance, with the Lord and with each other. Devotionals with our team, practicing what worship looks like not just as a genre but as a lifestyle. 

What songs from other groups are you all leading right now that speaks into the movement of God / the excitement in building HIs kingdom?

We love the songs that are coming from the houses all over the country and globe. One that we have been leading in this past season is "Good Plans" by Red Rocks Worship - it's been an anthem for us and our students to declare, in faith, the truth of his goodness and his perfect ways.

What songs in particular do you think worship teams will resonate with?

I think there's a song in this album for everyone in terms of how God can minister through it. I think worship teams will really resognate with our song `Motives", as it talks about the challenges of what we have made worship to be at times.




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