With the world’s simplest, sharpest, and most powerful multitracks app, you can achieve high-level production, no learning curve required. Learn More . Setlist. Sync between apps and devices. Setlist. With Cloud Pro, custom song arrangements and changes to your setlists are reflected across the entire ecosystem. Change the key in Playback ...
In order to reactivate your account, you will need to send a request to your Organization Admin.
Browse through over 12,000 worship songs and discover MultiTracks, Charts, Patches, and instrument parts in RehearsalMix for your worship team.
Discover quality resources for worship songs that help you lead worship well. MultiTracks, Charts, Patches, and instrument parts in RehearsalMix.
Weekly rentals give you access to over 24,000 multitracks exactly when you need them for our most affordable price. Simple and Easy Building a library of MultiTracks requires an upfront investment. Rental Subscriptions are the easiest way to get started with MultiTracks in Playback. Learn More. Get started today. ...
Get started using the resources used by thousands of worship teams across the globe. Get Free Clicks, Guides, and Pads. Learn how to Run Tracks, Get Charts, and Resource your Team with one easy-to-use suite of products.
Gain full access to Playback, a multitracks player powerful enough for the largest churches in the world, and simple enough for any volunteer. ChartBuilder and Rehearsal Mix give your team access to customizable charts and individual audio for each instrument.. Choose from an expansive library of high quality multitracks rented directly in Playback. Perform with the actual instrument audio ...
No. The Live bundle includes all of the tools and features to plan and run Playback setlists with confidence. Content needs to be purchased, rented, or uploaded separately. Optionally, upgrade from the Live bundle to the MultiTracks One bundle to get the best value and also have access to rentals in Playback.