After launching the album Tides, their first ever studio release, Bethel Music led these songs from the album on tour during their Worship Nights live tour where their desire was to "partner with what God is doing in communities around the world and see heaven invade earth."
During these nights of worship, heaven did indeed invade earth and many of the songs took on a new level... becoming something more and prompting them to "hit record." In doing so, they were able to capture the spontaneity of these moments and Tides "Live" was the result.
This album features worship leaders Brian and Jenn Johnson, Jeremy Riddle, Steffany Frizzell Gretzinger, William Matthews, Matt Stinton, and G K Thompson and includes Bethel congregational favorites such as Forever and For the Cross. Each song is now available for MultiTracks, CustomMix, and RehearsalMix in 6 keys in WAV and M4A format.
Tides Live - Bethel Music
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