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Today we are bringing you the Original Master MultiTracks and instrument parts in RehearsalMix from GRAMMY and Dove Award-winning duo for KING & COUNTRY's album Run Wild. Live Free. Love Strong. This album is a reflection of standing and fighting for something bigger than yourself, a mission statement that drove the duo from the first words written for this project until the last note was recorded. Joel Smallbone explains, "Run Wild. Live Free. Love Strong. is a statement of reclaiming our birthright as humans to live a life that is for others--a life that is others-focused, God-focused-and in that, find what it truly means to run wild, live free and love strong." MultiTracks are now available for three tracks from the album, which many of you have requested: "Fix My Eyes," "Shoulders," and "O God Forgive Us." Check out the entire album today on iTunes and pick up these resources as you include these songs in your setlists.
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