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Tracks for this song are from the Original Master Recording.
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Verse 1
I’ve seen the lowest valleyEndured darkest the nightIt seemed I was forsakenBut You were by my side
Verse 2
I’ve stood before the mountainsToo great for me to climbYet in face of giantsI’ve learned to lift my eyes
Tag 1
I’ve learned to lift my eyes
Come what mayCome what willSovereign handsThey hold me stillI put my faithI put my trustIn this aloneThe peace of God
Verse 3
The battle may be ragingThe way may be unknownBut even in the waitingI will tell my soul
Tag 2
Yes I will tell my soul
Bridge 1
All of my worriesAll of my doubtsAll of my sorrowsI’m laying downOver the chaosOver the droughtOver the trialI’m calling out
Bridge 2
I know You’ll save meI know You’ll healYou made a way andYou always willAll of my worriesAll of my doubtsAll of my sorrowsI’m laying down
Come what mayCome what willSovereign handsThey hold me stillI put my faithI put my trustIn You aloneThe God of Peace
This song includes tempo variations so we recommend you use the included click.
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The autopanned version has the click and guide panned left and the tracks panned right, so the song can be used with a simple stereo audio setup.
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